LawyersListings is operated by LAWCHEK®, which is owned by enlighten technologies incorporated™. LawyersListings provides a FREE listing service to all sole practitioners and law firms desiring a FREE Internet presence, which includes firm name, address, city, state, and zip code. In addition, LawyersListings provides the general public with a simple yet comprehensive research tool with which to locate a lawyer. LAWCHEK® is a legal research entity and is responsible for the conception and realization of LawyersListings. The decision was made to incorporate LawyersListings' FREE services within the legal products and services LAWCHEK® already offered via the Internet. enlighten™ is a consulting and networking company that provides videoconferencing solutions to all members of the legal community and beyond. enlighten™ acquired LAWCHEK® through a business acquisition in order to offer its' client base an array of legal products and services as a supplement to its' videoconferencing services. To learn more about us, please select 'Read Our Story' below.


Physical Address:
330 First Street SE, Suite A
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 USA

Contact Numbers:
Toll-Free: 800.529.5121
Direct Line: 800.529.5121
Facsimile: 866.531.8575

Internet Contact:


In 1990, the co-founders of the then non-existent LAWCHEK® determined that a client tutorial product was needed for the typical law office and the average client. Initially, thirty-two areas of law (disciplines) were evaluated for the client-tutorial; ultimately, it was designed with a glossary of terms, a question/answer format and a series of forms for each of the twelve disciplines chosen. The initial twelve disciplines were programmed for CD-ROM delivery. Since the program needed to be user-friendly for a wide range of individuals, it was determined that the product would be designed so that the user (the layperson, a paralegal, a legal secretary, a lawyer or a computer expert) would feel comfortable with using the CD; therefore, the source code was written to accommodate a simple "point and click" method of access.

The initial product delivery was designed for libraries because it was anticipated that many of the users would be laypersons who wished to acquire basic information prior to a consultation with a lawyer. In 1991, a study of reference librarians throughout the United States was commissioned by the American Library Association for the purpose of determining the most problematic area for the reference desk of a typical library. It was found that approximately seventeen percent of the library patrons encountered difficulty accessing legal information mostly due to the fact that the legal system of reference and information is uniquely designed for lawyers and the judiciary. Although this was a fortuitous event, LAWCHEK®, by design, targeted libraries as its first market endeavor.

In 1994, LAWCHEK® was incorporated, and in the spring of 1995, a strategic partnership was developed with Macmillan Publishing (a Viacom Company). As a result of the marketing efforts by Macmillan, approximately twenty million library patrons now had access to the LAWCHEK® system, either directly through a library LAN (local area network) or, beginning in 1997, through the Internet where LAWCHEK® began offering its' products and services, providing the first ever frames-based search on the Internet, and introducing the public and law firms to an extensive database of law related directory listings, a vast collection of editable forms, and a comprehensive gathering of legal research links, all available in one location for easy access and user-friendly service.

In 1999, enlighten technologies incorporated™, a consulting and networking company offering broadband convergence technology, videoconferencing, and teleconferencing, acquired LAWCHEK® through a business acquisition with the goal of offering, as a supplement to its' convergence products and services, a very robust array of legal products via the Internet, including directory listings, legal research, editable forms, web development, hosting, and much more.

LawyersListings was founded in the year 2000, shortly after the acquisition of LAWCHEK®, as a FREE listing service available to all sole practitioners and law firms in need of an Internet presence and as a way to provide the Internet community with an easy to use research tool with which to locate lawyers. LawyersListings was developed with the consumer in mind and, therefore, strives to ensure that selecting a lawyer is an easy process by providing three simple options to locate a lawyer. The first option is through the state search; the second option is through the discipline search; and the third option is through the name search.

Because LawyersListings is striving to be the most user-friendly and easiest site to use on the Internet, we encourage individuals to send comments and suggestions about how we may improve our site. Please send all inquires to webmaster@lawchek.net.